Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Growing Surprises

Buying a property that has been "developed" before rather than raw land is turning out to be an adventure.  In some respects its sad because we are finding all the trash that they dumped and buried around the property but in other ways its exciting because trees, bushes and plants have been placed and we are constantly surprised each day as to what is growing around the farm.

Kyle found Mint on the way to the cottage (aka - falling down hay barn) and I found Lemon Balm by the front porch. We also have pear and apple trees that are growing lots of fruit and need I mention the nightmare invasion of the blackberries!!! We also have 2 trees by the front walkway to the house, in our ignorance we though they were lime trees - now we think they might be Avocado Trees - WOOOHOOOO! And much to Kyle's excitement we found a grape vine in great health on the side of the house. Its now his baby and he pets and talks to it daily, he talks to it more than he talks to me...

Here are some plants that I planted and haven't killed yet (I still don't know what I am doing RIGHT with these and WRONG with the others).

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