
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Captain's Log Stardate 11/29/2012

Turkey Day has come and gone, the leaves are changing colors and the rain is coming. We spent the entire four days off working on the house and it was pretty productive. There are so many to dos on the list and so much of my to do list involves CLEANING.

Kyle was able to install all the reinforcing steel beams in the master bedroom. We had to weld these steel bars across the ceiling of the bedroom before we cut the ceiling out. The current ceiling of the containers is working hard to keep the container together and square and we don't want that compromised when it gets cut out so the steel bars will do the ceilings job of keeping the walls together and square.

With the news windows IN THE HOUSE, pun intended, I spent a day and a half cleaning, scraping and foaming the frames to ready them for accepting their new mates. We temporarily put one window in its house to see what what they will look like, and they look pretty good.

We also started pulling the wooden floor out of the old hay barn and have found two local guys that will be able to mill them down to the thicknesses we need. It is a tad heartbreaking to cut them down but they really aren't of much use as they currently are anyway.

With the roof framing the ICF completed the mezzanine (loft) is going up and our welding guys are coming out to take measurements to build the stairs-yeh, no more ladders.

The picture below of the house in the evening doesn't even capture how it looked when the sun was setting and shining so orange through the windows it looked like an inverted jack o'lantern. Then later in the evening wheat was dark Kyle started welding and the windows lit up with that unnatural blue light and sparks, then it looked like a scene out of a horror movie.

Signing off for tonight,
Capt. Kirk

1 comment:

  1. I've just realised ( I'm a bit slow!) - I am following two container house building blogs both in th U.S. And both are being co-built by Hannah's! Good coincidence!
    Not sure if you've come across their blog:
