
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Another Crane Day

We had another crane day this week to move some of the bigger beams into place and put the roofing materials on the roof of the containers to make it easier for Justin and his crew (James and Karl, BTW - Karl is a dead ringer for a younger version of Elvis Costello, it is pretty wild) to build the roof over the living room and containers.

The roof cover over the spare bedroom is on so hopefully no more repeats of the plastic debacle from last week.

This is the view from the inside, when finished you won't see that much beam as there is spray foam insulation going in between those rafters and then covered with the final interior ceiling covering, corrugated metal and wood.

Kind of like the picture below.

Tom from Diamond Crane brought his smaller crane this time over to give us a hand again. Tom is fantastic, fun to work with and does such a great job.

This is the vertical post installed that the HUGE center rafter will sit on and ultimately the ceiling of the containers will be built up to this height.


They got started by moving some of the bigger beams moved into the house and positioned for building the loft/mezzanine.

Then came that big kahuna beam that is the ridge beam for the main ceiling in the living room, it is enormous.

Here is a video of the ridge beam being put in place, careful this is one minute and six seconds of your life you won't get back, so make sure of your commitment.

Anderson Pacific Builders in the house.

Moving the plywood roof sheathing up to the roof of the containers so they are easier to move into place.

Beams and supports go up as well.

Diamond Crane - "Fighting gravity for 25 years"

And this is the back of the Anderson Pacific Builders truck.....I would say they hold true to this.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! A roof! I've been itching to see a roof go on!
    A thorough drenching aside, I hope your house building enthusiasm has dried out and it back to normal!
