
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Almost there - ICF

This next part of the ICF, the last part, is taking a little longer than expected. Mostly due to working at height and the guys had to move all the supports up to the next level. That was no easy feat.

Once the supports were in they could install the scaffolding, or walkway to allow access around the walls. 

You can see the plywood walkway above. There are a lot of supports in a tight space, it makes the house feel really small.

Kyle installed a railing and we will be putting another row below that - SAFETY FIRST!

Yeh, I look like I actually did some of this work. It was another hot week as well so not easy to stand next to blinding white Styrofoam in 98 degrees, I worry the guys and Kyle might be snow blind.

A few things that Kyle installed prior to the last pour that were REALLY smart to think about beforehand were all the attachments for the exterior lights around the house. Not having to cut through concrete and rebar later on will make a huge difference, Smart Boy!!

He also installed bolts to fasten the chimney to the wall once that goes up, again smart.

More light fixtures on the back, west, wall. He also installed bolts on the inside for the mantel that will go on the fireplace wall. 

This is one of the pockets for the roof glue-lams that will go in to hold the peak of the roof. We make pockets out of wood to look and measure the same as the end of one of these beams. Then I wrapped theim in plastic so they would come out easily after the concrete was poured and they did! WooHoo!

A shot from the back, the west wall, we ummed and ahhhed over the height of those upper windows as they all had to be the same all the way round. Finally got it sorted, but phew - these little issues that crop up all the time.

The front of the house and then there are two more windows on the south wall that looks out over the roof of the spare bedroom. These windows will be key to our cooling the house as they will all open and allow hot air to escape.

The Boss, need I say more. 

Signing off for tonight. The guys come back to put on the last few blocks on Tuesday and then hoping for an inspection on Wednesday, not sure if we will be able to pour on Thursday, we will see.


  1. Love this, the credits on the movie were excellent, Oscar worthy film.Seriously, the room looks pretty big in the photos

  2. Agree with Jo...the credits are amazing. You're on your way to full feature! The house is looking good!
