
Friday, June 15, 2012

Making life a little easier

Kyle saw a great deal on Craigslist, where else, for some scaffolding. We have one set of scaffolding but between grinding the ceiling, building the walls, siding, etc.... an extra set would be really useful.

So we jumped in the car after work last night and high tailed it to West Sac to beat the rush and pick up the scaffolding. Because you know how Craigslist works, first come first serve.

$100 out the door and it was ours. Good thing we moved fast as the guy had 20 calls on it. Proof we got a good deal.

Best part is it comes with wheels and you know how I love things that move by the push of a finger. Everything needs to be on wheels. Except those Tweens that wear the shoes with wheels and plow into you at the grocery store, they need to be crated.


  1. You early birds you! Having 20 people lined up for the scaffolding bodes well for if you want to resell them on Craigslist once the house is done.

    1. Yeh, that is even what the guy that sold the scaffolding said. Though I have yet to see Kyle willingly sell anything type of tool....that maybe the hardest part.

  2. It is against the male genetics and millions of years of evolution to EVER get rid of ANY tool. I have things spread over 700 miles.

    1. Well, I wouldn't want to go against your evolved genes.....
