
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Off with your Doors

In our tale, Dwyer's in Wonderland, it's "Off with your Doors". And off they came, quickly and smoothly, only thanks to this fabulous invention.

We rented this Grade-All for the week to move some of the big, heavy beams into the house but while it was here we were going to make good use of it. So after the first 3 days of solid rain, it cleared up and we hit it.

The first door was sprung, and as seems the norm with this entire house process, it took the longest. You have to figure out the best way to work with these things and it takes the first of every process to fine tune and work out the best and quickest way to get it done. Well, this was the same, the first door took about an hour and a half and we cut a few different spots to get it off the container without cutting straight through the hinges on the door. Needless to say all the subsequent doors were off in 15-20 minutes, piece a cake.

It would have taken a month of Sundays if we hadn't had this lovely machine.

You can see some of the ruts we made, there were some ruts that were over a foot deep, oh well, gotta get things done, even in the mud.

And with each door, Kyle perfected the cut so by the time he was hanging off the second floor it was old hat.

 It is great fun to drive, you just have to watch every end as there are so many moving parts and its HUGE!

It looks very different without the doors on, much bigger inside which is weird.

But the view is just as lovely 

While the Grade-All was here we used it to move the propane tank as we have plans to build him a lovely new home so it was temporarily re-located to prep his home and give him a little make-over. Kyle moved some big piles of debris and old roots.

And we had this huge boulder at the top of the property that I wanted down near the house so we moved it to its new home in the middle of the driveway. And apparently someone approves as it is now his new lookout spot. Also helps to give some scale perspective to the boulder. It was unbelievably heavy.

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