
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Weekend Fun

This weekend we had our great neighbors over for dinner Sat night, Rob and Marie. They just built a lovely house down the road from us so they feel the pain we are going through. They also just came back from a fantastic trip to Peru and so we got to see all their amazing pics of Machu Picchu.blackberry sorbet

So Kyle went above and beyond in the kitchen and made pork and shrimp shish kabobs which were amazing with quinoa. MMm, so good. The most exciting part for me (as usual) was desert which was blackberry sorbet made from our very own blackberries that Kyle picked on Friday on our property. Its AMAZING, so easy to make and so cool that it was made from our own place, how great is that.

Julia's KitchenThis week the movie Julie and Julia is coming out with Amy Adams and Meryl Streep. I can't wait to see it. Here is a shot of Julia's kitchen, so my question is, are you allowed to have a cool kitchen like Julia's even though you can't even boil water?????

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hannah! This website looks great. I need to build one for posting pics, perhaps you can help me?
    Also- this sorbet looks exquisite!
