
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Time for Ingenuity to Kick In

When you buy a house, money is always tight till you know where you are and with the advent of building upon us, we are trying to save our money for the big things, like containers and flooring. So when we are "in need" (or want) of something we are trying to think creatively and reuse something we already have or make it from scratch.

First moving into the trailer, some of Kyle's furniture stayed in Sonora and therefore we were in need of a coffee table (which has since become the location of Kyle's magazine piles). There is an old barn on the property that was full of old junk from the previous owner's, so my mom (Jo) and I went shopping. We did in fact find a coffee table but it was hideous. Lovely vinyl topped and just nasty. So a good sanding and new mapped top and we have a coffee table. Is it a long term keeper, probably not. But it serves its purpose for now, was free, will eventually be relegated to Kyle's office in the shop but saves us from spending money right now especially since we want to hold off getting new furniture for the new house till its up and we can see what we need and want and what will fit.

You can see we covered the top of the table with maps, we used CA, NV, UT and AZ, all our favorite places. Not too bad for 3 hours of work!

On a side note - hummingbirds - 12, bags of sugar - 2, number of times refill feeders a day - 3!!!

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